
An infusion of spirit

A metaphor . . . .

Consider a sugar cube placed in a bucket of water. At first there is a clear boundary line between pure sugar and the water. Almost immediately the sugar cube begins to dissolve and diffuse. Then there are three regions:
  • Pure sugar.

  • Sugar water.

  • Pure water with no sugar.

Given enough time the sugar cube will totally dissolve and disappear from sight. The sugar will be dispersed throughout the whole bucket in a weak diluted form.

But, even when the sugar and water are completely mixed together, they are still separate and distinct chemical compounds. The water doesn't change the sugar and the sugar does not change the water. Boil the water until it all evaporates, and the sugar will re-crystallize. When the water is gone, only the sugar remains.

This metaphor can be used to picture the pure sacred impulse - illustrated by the sugar cube - originating from outside the world as we know it, and being placed within the world. Straight away after its arrival, the influences of the world begin to act upon it and weaken it.

An application . . . .

A Course in Miracles is a big and imposing book. Many are intimidated by it, perhaps fearing they are not smart enough to understand it or that it is too difficult. So they turn to others for an easy explanation.

There is nothing wrong with seeking help from others, but many distortions have been introduced by well-intended teachers of the Course. That's just the way things work when spirit is injected into the world.

The only authority on what the Course says is the Course itself.

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