
The first law of chaos

"The first chaotic law is that the truth is different for everyone."
ACIM Text, Chapter 23
The first law of chaos states that the truth is different for everyone. This is the foundation upon which chaos is established and maintained. To be in a state of chaos is to be in a state of rebellion against God. The state of God is well ordered and harmonious. The state of God is not chaos. The first law of chaos is based upon limited selective perception, and it is best illustrated by the story of the three blind men and the elephant. Each of the three had only a limited experience of a much larger creature, and mistook his separate limited perceptions as being exclusively representative of the whole creature. Each of the three were both partially right and wholly wrong. The fable accurately describes the problem, but it also contains within it the seed of a solution. As the story ends being a provocation, the three blind men are arguing, insisting that each alone is right and all the others wrong and misguided. The obvious solution presents itself to combine the three sets of separate perceptions into a greater and more expansive view, and thereby reach a more harmonious understanding of the whole. It would be a closer approximation of the truth. It would also have the virtue of reducing strife.
-  oOo   -
Tom Fox
Louisville, Kentucky

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