
More old thoughts on psychic abilities

Well, they are not really old thoughts of mine. I started a thread on talk.religion.course-miracle on May 13 on this topic, and I might as well share the substance of that discussion here.

"I've been thinking recently about psychics. The Course states, more
or less, that psychic abilities are natural communication abilities,
and that all joining is the joining of minds.

"It seems to me that becoming comfortable with, if not necessarily
proficient at, what would usually be considered as psychic forms of
communication would be a useful gateway to miracles.

"I'm wondering if it is possible to be comfortable with miraculous
expressions if one is, at the same time, fearful of psychic forms of

"Many forms of religion teach that psychic communications are dangerous
and of the devil. Many other forms of modern thinking teach that
psychic communications are impossible and irrational. Perhaps it is a
concerted ego attempt to deflect attention form the genuinely
Psychic abilities - Tom Fox, May 13, 2008

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