
Psychic abilities

The Course makes it quite clear that "psychic abilities" are normal. Psychic abilities are more normal, in fact, than the modes of communication available through the limited five senses of the body. As with all things, the Course asks "what it is for?" The section near the end of the Manual for Teachers devoted to discussing psychic abilities . . . Section 21 . . . takes a rather blasé attitude toward the existence of psychic abilities. Most of the discussion in that section is about how these extra-sensory perceptive abilities are used. Are they used to heal in the service of the Christ mind, or are they used to strengthen the ego?

That seems to be the attitude the Course presents us with regarding psychic abilities. Of course they exist, they are natural and available to everyone. Sure, as your unfoldment progresses some rather startling new abilities may come your way. That is what learning does.

But, what will you do with these talents?

That is the question.

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